maandag 30 januari 2012

A crucial phone call

Hi there! Last night I had a very long but very helpful and informative phone call with one of my best mates, Joeri van Ees. I can now truly say that I have a better idea and direction of where I want to take this final project. Yes it took some time, but hey these things don't come easily.

Instead of focusing on culture, which seemed like the focus during my last presentation (and it is pretty vague), I now want to focus on doing research on how to design for games and animation and what the (assumed) differences are between the practices of these two related creative fields. I mean, what happens when you leave out the interactive aspect with the whole design process?

This may seem a bit coming out of left-field, but thinking about it makes sense to me. Before I came to the HKU I did an education in Games and Animation, with an emphasis on the latter. At that time I thought it was not my thing, but these last years my interests have shifted back (again). Seeing Mac 'N Cheese, a project by some 3rd Year animation students made me realize how much potential there is on our school. Why are we not working together? There is a huge amount of knowledge over there which I think can also be very useful to us game artists.



Interesting Symposium Coming up!

The URL;

donderdag 26 januari 2012

The 3 major topics

The Main Issues at this point:

1. The Research (what is it I'm going to research these next few months?)

2. The Project (what I'm going to do for the next few months?)

3. The Endresult (what is it I'm going to show?)
Questions, questions...

Wiki Lir story

woensdag 25 januari 2012

Planning next couple of days

Thursday Januari 26th 
Do research on adapting stories for interactive platform 

Friday Januari 27th
Do research on adapting stories for interactive platform  

Saturday Februari 28th
Sit around the table with Sonja for project parameters
Do research on adapting stories for interactive platform 

Sunday Januari 29th
Visit Leiden Oudheidkunde museum for some more field research 
Start working on thursday presentation 

Monday Januari 30th
Work on proposal and presentation 

Tuesday Januari 31th
Work on proposal and presentation 

Wednesday Februari 1st
Finish proposal and send to Tarek before 12.00u

Thursday Februari 2nd

British Museum reference material