donderdag 12 april 2012

Gamelab #3 short recap

Gamelab #3 in the Pakhuis de Zwijger was a bit of a dud. Most of the subjects that were talked about were already discussed at the HAFF Festival. A shame really, because one of the headlines on the above poster read, which triggered me to go, was "Wat kunnen wij leren van de traditionele animatiewereld?", which translates into what can we learn from the traditional animation field? Unfortunately, this question wasn't adressed or answered in any way. Instead, talks about pixel art and the motion capture suit by Xsense were rehashed, without any major improvements (they were mostly shorter because of the time constraint). The only interesting bit, the talk with one of the creators of Mac 'N Cheese, wasn't very insightful as well. Mainly because the guy interviewed had donned a laidback and slight obstinate stance towards the interviewer. Really annoying.

In short, I didn't gain any new insights or anything. I've decided that this is going to be the last event I'm going to in a while. There is a lot of work to be done!

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