woensdag 21 maart 2012

Status update: A quick brainfart

**just a quick brainfart about the new direction of my project. I'm going to make it even more practical, since after talking to Corne it seems like the only way to go**

Notion #1I've always been very interested in the applications of other creative fields. I think this is because of my background in graphic design which I take to the creative realm of games. Especially in my school projects I've always tried to give the games something special, a kind of visual flair not often found in games.  

Notion #2Because games are still a very young medium, I think there is still a lot to be learned from these older, more well established fields. 

Notion #3: As a game artist, I think it is always relevant to inform your work with different influences. Too many game artists wear their influences too much on their sleeves and don't stray too far from the beaten paths of the standardized fantasy and sci-fi clichés. 

Notion #3Thanks to the rise of the digital medium a very interesting development has occurred; The tools that all these creative mediums use are the same. The borders seem to get vaguer with every technological leap. 

Notion #4The thing that separates them are the different design approaches they apply. Is there anything between these different approaches that can be interesting for the game artist? And if so, how do they translate to games? 

Notion #5So for this thesis I delved in to the different design approaches of the animation field, the graphic design field, children's book and illustration. 

For this project I will create a character and design it for these different media. By researching these different approaches I hope to find a way to inform my current game design skills and see if there is any overlap between these fields. 

Notion #6The reason I'm focusing on characters is because they are common in all these media. It's also easier to research the different approaches concerning character design, because they are present in all these medias. 

Let's take some archetypes from games and see if I can design them for these different fields, each with their own approach and techniques. What happens to the character hopping across these different fields and how does this influence the design process?

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